Background Information on Scans

There are three components related to scanning:

Probes executes a set of scripts on the target hosts to retrieve information. Each host type will have a different probe.
Probe Workflows executes a script when a scan is created. The workflow calls the set of the probes required to discover the information about the hosts on which the scan is performed.
Sensors. Scripts that are applied to the output of the respective probes. The sensors give the data JSON output.

The basic work flow is as follows:

Find up and running Hosts.
Get Host Types for each host.
If Host Type is Unix, find the Unix OS flavor and, depending on the OS, send the probes to the Discovery Server, which retrieves the information of the host.
If Host Type is Windows or Network device, send probes to the the Discovery Server that retrieves the information of the host.

For discovering Windows machines in a workgroup, the admin shared folder should be remotely accessible. Enable this folder by following these steps:

1. Run regedit.
2. Navigate to this directory:
3. Right-click on the right pane and choose New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
4. Fill LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy for the Value name and press Enter.
5. Double-click LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy value and modify the “Value Data” from “0” to “1".
6. Click OK.

To verify whether the admin share is accessible, run the following on the command line: 

net use \\remoteIP\admin$ /user:<username> * 

Example: net use \\111.222.333.444\admin$ /user:win7-2\admin *


Discovery has several work flows: